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Here comes the solar stove that cooks thanks to the sun

The other day we talked about how to build a solar oven in the house and with a few Euros , useful to thaw foods and why not, even to warm them and cook them .

Today we present a solar stove intellectual work of the types of Gosun .

According to the inventors and developers of this system you can cook a meal in 20 minutes with the ability to reach 550 ° C.

How it works: thanks to the parabolic mirror placed behind the tube in which are inserted the foods you convey the rays of the sun, so the thermal energy emitted from it to the baking chamber for retaining heat that gradually raises the internal temperature reaches bringing to perfect cooking the foods it contains.


Environmentally friendly : do not use fossil fuels, but only the energy of the sun;
Portable: weighs less (1.5 kg) and the clutter is contained ;
Versatile : you can boil, bake and fry ;
Economical: you do not have to spend money every time you want to cook you dinner ;

In addition, the tube stays warm for hours and then will be able to keep warm meals for very long.

Sure, take advantage of the sun to cook food , saving on the bill and not polluting is definitely a good thing , but who knows if it works so well as the builders say.
Of course the layout and presentation are very detailed and they understand that everything has been designed to work perfectly and not disappoint then we can do is try it!


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